Sunday, August 16, 2015

Well Being, the vital component in our life! 

Stuffed toy animals, like the teddy bear or any other stuffed animal have brought happiness and the feeling of well being over the centuries into all of our lives.  Have you ever observed when a child or an adult receives a present of a stuffed toy animal how their faces light up, their joyous reactions to the present, an instant smile and the appearance of happiness becomes apparent. 
Feeling happy creates "Well Being" and these feelings are very important in our life.  Feeling good creates a positive, euphoric reaction in our body, suddenly everything functions better, looks brighter and the outlook toward life in general becomes immediately far more optimistic.  That is what our aim should be in life to feel well and euphoric.  This wonderful feeling of well being and joy for life is magical; when maintained only good things will come into your life.  It is well known that positive thinking does wonders, but it is much more powerful to feel well and on a continuous basis.  The continuous feeling of well being, created mostly by appreciation of all we see, hear and do, seeing in everything something good this provides the euphoric, joyous feeling and in turn a state of an exhilarated existence. 
When we feel not very good, which happens, divert your thoughts by creating deliberately thoughts of well being.  Think of nice things, listening to music, go to the park admire nature or maybe look at that very treasured item you posses, which could very well be an endearing stuffed toy animal, like the teddy bear, which made you feel great in the past.  Thinking of things or doing things you like can create the wonder of feeling well again.
Stuffed toy animals have been part of all our lives in one way or another, but one thing is clear they made us all feel great and well.  Creating the feeling of "Well Being" in our self is one of the most important actions we should take and give our divine attention to it.
Our advise is creating the feeling of "Well Being" in our self is one of the most important actions we should take and give our divine attention to this valuable process.

stuffed toy animals

the teddy bear

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The significance of children's play is to learn required skills!

Play is the child's profession; one could say it is the same way an adult learns to prepare their skills for life. A child plays to develop his senses, enhancing his knowledge and learns to acquaint himself with the environment that surrounds him. One can not stress enough how important it is for a child to be given a great variety of play activities. Parental attention during play time is imperative to further the progress in the child's development.  Educating your child is an ongoing process and often parents are looking at children educational toys to accomplish their aim. The market offers an enormous variety of children educational toys and ways to enhance their child's development.  Children educational toys offered on the market are not all of equal quality. It is best to conduct some research into children educational toys to establish what suits your child best, but there is no better person than a parent to know what is appropriate for their child.
By all means do some experimenting, children may surprise you with their adaptability they process.  The child will let you know in one way or another if your choice is on the right track. A parent knows their child very well and at what developmental level they are to find the proper toy. One good advice, never under estimate your child, children are very clever and mostly know exactly what they want.
Always listen to your child this is most important. Children look upon toys as fun and entertainment, but a parent looks at a toy as something that is assisting them in grooming their child into an eventual responsible adult. What is it all about? It is for children to grow into adults through gaining the experience required to fulfill their life into a happy adult existence.
We advises that the time given to play and to educate your children is one of the most rewarding times in your life.